10 Commandments of Email Newsletters

10 Commandments of Email Newsletters

Nowadays businesses understand the importance of Email Newsletters as an effective marketing strategy and powerful business model. Studies have shown that each dollar spent on email marketing can be worth more than $40 in ROI. Full-service email marketing programs are crucial for adding value, increasing sales, engaging customers and building brand loyalty.

The 10 commandments of Email Newsletters 1But there is so much to consider in creating email newsletters, where should you begin? What should you avoid?  Here are 10 unbreakable short rules for Email Newsletter Distribution.

1. Never Spam Anyone

Make sure your emails will get through junk mail filters properly. Don’t email people with whom you have no relationship. That will be just a waste of your time since adding someone to a list without their authorization is spamming (and spam is in the eye of the receiver, not the sender).

Write a Captivating Subject Line

Most people only open their emails if they find subject lines interesting. Try to go beyond “cliche” subject lines that are now deemed as dull and use something interesting enough to draw customers in.

2.       Don’t underestimate the Power of Email.

Email is a proven and effective marketing strategy. So take the time to determine goals and do previous research. Don’t make them look as if they were thrown together at the last minute.

3.       Let customers get involved

Have you felt you are short of ideas? What about telling customers exactly what they what to hear? Review previous emails, find out about what products or services they want to know about and start writing newsletters that will not only match your company’s overall marketing strategy but will also fulfill their expectations.

 4.       Be Brief

The more frequent your newsletter the shorter it should be. Try to summarize, be direct and most importantly have something catchy in the first lines.

5.       Make it look Professional

Your newsletters should have brand uniformity.  Try to include the same logos, colors and fonts used by your company. Keep them clean and simple instead of cluttered.

 6.       Include a Call To actionThe 10 commandments of Email Newsletters 2

Nothing turns customers off faster than seeing “Buy Now” everywhere, yet they should be able to purchase and find out about your products and services if wanted.

 7.       Include a Table of Contents

This feature is fundamental and is often ignored by many newsletter writers. Having a descriptive table of contents at the top will show the readers what you have to offer and could easily engage them.

8.       It’s not all About You.

The easiest way to turn your costumers off is by showing you are only interested in selling something instead of building a relationship. Try to provide useful and relevant information and be cautious about the language you use.

9.       Tone and Attitude

When it comes to email newsletters you can either be formal or informal, it all depends on your business and the content of your newsletter. You can be formal when writing official newsletters and more casual when trying to sell something.

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