Content Marketing – What is it? How important is it? How do I do it?

I recently spoke with a prospective client about sales. I heard their frustration on the phone. The conversation covered a lot of ground but part of it went like this….

“You’re out there working hard, doing your best, trying to stand out… but few people know who you are, let alone what you do or how you might help them… how do you get past that?”

There are many things that a smart marketer can do to improve the odds of being found, including Search Engine Optimization and running an AdWords campaign.  If you are talking about outbound communications, maybe you are talking about direct mail. But all those tactics cost money, take a working knowledge to optimize and take time  – and often are hinged on one other thing – content.

Content is the meat of a business’ website, or any other outbound communication – the images and words that are designed to connect and resonate with their intended target – your prospective customer.

When you create, curate or share content – newsletters, blogs, videos, infographics, free downloads, podcasts, books and other similar tools – your reach expands exponentially.

But how do you get a content marketing program organized, focused and off the ground? One that is sustainable, not a drain on your time or wallet, effective and fun to write as well as read?

Well, I suggest that you click here to set up a call with me to discuss how we can get the ball rolling.