7 Reasons Why Your Email Marketing May Not Be Working

You’re sending emails to your customers and prospects, but you’re not getting the results you’re expecting. You’re hoping for inquiries, sales, comments, calls or replies, and those are not happening.

These are 7 reasons why your email marketing campaigns may not be working as well as they could.

1. You’re using a list of people that you “borrowed” from someone else (a chamber, association or other company). Those are very cold targets. They don’t recognize your company name and therefore are not comfortable engaging.

2. Your list is not segmented or verified. You’re likely sending the same email to everyone, regardless of who they are (customers, prospects, east coast vs. west coast, etc.). The same message does not resonate with everyone.

Verifying your list means removing invalid email addresses (duplicate, incorrect, etc.). By maintaining proper data hygiene, you improve your sender reputation so email service providers deliver your emails and do not categorize them as spam.

3. Your email template is tired. The overall look of your template should not only reflect your website’s branding and links, but should also allow for ease-of-reading whether viewed on a mobile device or desktop. A contemporary design inspires confidence. Don’t overlook an occasional refresh.

4. The From field is unclear or unknown. If your emails are sent from “Frank Jones,” your Marketing Manager (who most don’t know) or from a “role” email address such as “info@” or “sales@” that will suppress the open rate.

5. Your subject lines are ineffective. The subject line, after the From field, is the second most important element of an email. Reusing the same subject line each time or a non-descript “August Newsletter,” does not create a compelling reason to open the email.

6. The content is not captivating. If the email is all about you and your business and does not offer value in terms of its content, many will stop opening your emails and may unsubscribe. Delivering informative content is the value that readers want. Like this email 😉

7. The cadence is not right. Sending too frequently may raise your unsubscribe rate. Sending occasionally substantially reduces the impact of your emails. Each business has different objectives and finding your ideal cadence is important for results.


The American Marketing Association rates email marketing as the tool with the highest ROI of all, with about $43 worth of sales for each dollar invested.
That’s huge.

But those results are achieved only if the email marketing is done right.

CTCT Winner

As one of the country’s largest, award-winning Certified Solution Provider of Constant Contact, for over 11 years we deliver solid results (leads, sales, inquiries) for our clients.

Call now or schedule a call to start or improve your email marketing campaigns.

Your business will be happy you did.

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