August 2014 – How to Grow by Getting In Front of Your Customers

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Here are tips to get out in front of people

Getting in front of your customers


Be yourself. Perhaps you think customers expect you to look or act a certain way. But if you just present yourself as you are — proudly, comfortably, and consistently — then clients will get to know and trust the real you. You might be surprised how much people value an authentic interaction over a forced sales pitch.


Manage customer relations. The best way to stay in mind is to maintain contact with prospective clients. It’s important to have a regular plan so your communications don’t feel haphazard. Consistency and frequency are the key to nurturing client relationships. The more you interact, the better your chances of earning their trust — and business.


Mix up your media. You never know where you’ll find a new customer, so don’t rely on only one medium. By alternating email, telephone, advertising, social media, and snail mail communication, you increase your chances of finding fresh eyes. Using multiple avenues to their fullest allows you to spread your message to the greatest number of people.

Getting in front of your customers


Staying Top of Mind

You’ve heard the phrase “Out of sight, out of mind.” For your company, being out of your customers’ minds is deadly. The more visible you are to prospects, the better the chance that one (or more) will call you.


Some ways to keep in touch


Face-to-face. If possible, meet with one client every week for a sit-down coffee and chat. Humanizing your interaction offers a chance to build a relationship that runs deeper than just business. You’ll get to know each other as people and develop a lasting bond that strengthens your work connection.


Send a postcard. Who doesn’t love to get appealing snail mail? By sending a card to your customers with a useful tip or valuable information, you stay atthe top of their mind. And, if the card offers real value, it’ll stay visible on a desk or refrigerator.


Email interaction. Email is a great way to maintain contact and grow relationships with customers. Make a personal connection by emailing your clients and asking how they are and what they need. Show a genuine interest in their concerns and they’ll respond with gratitude, trust, and more business.

Some recently designed new logos
Invest with Values logoGregory Perry logoAffinity Medical logo
Get Started Now!Reply to this email and let us know what your concerns are. Do you need new customers or to grow existing ones? A new or updated website, printed material, newsletter, or logo?Contact us today so we can start putting you in front of your customers.