August 2016 – You're invited…

You’re invited…

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Isn’t it exciting to be invited to an event?

Events can be an excellent marketing tool to position you and your company as experts in the field.

youre invitedEvents help raise your profile in the market. When you’re at an event, you are a “billboard for your business.” Attending an event gets you out from behind your desk/from your store/from your business, interacting with others. You are networking, communicating, sharing and observing – I call this “social media live!”

When you are with others, they learn about you and your business. They consider working with you, or refer business – and you could even find a new vendor. Being “out there” makes you more likeable and that’s one of the first steps in developing relationships!

Attend Trade Shows and Conferences

Trade Show BadgeLearn something new from industry experts. Ask advice. Study the competition. Attend a conference in your customer’s industry. Exhibit at a trade show. Learn and become an expert yourself.

From product launches to partner seminars, when you attend these events you build alliances, learn more and promote your business. You could even end up having fun!


Host Presentations and Seminars 

You are an expert in your field, so why not share this information with others? Just like content marketing is used online for search engine optimization purposes (get ranked highly by Google based on content on your website), you can use this content to attract and audience who comes to hear you. What better way to present yourself as an expert than to a self-selected audience.

I can tell you from direct experience that attending or hosting events works! Since Solutions for Growth was founded, I’ve given nearly 100 presentations on a variety of subjects related to small business marketing. Guess what? I enjoy educating others and frankly, it’s a great marketing tool for Solutions for Growth. You can do the same thing!


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For some, it will require a little stepping out of your comfort zone, but if you want something to change in the way your business grows, you’ll have to change something in your marketing.

Start out small, attend a networking event, an industry presentation, a trade show or give a speech at a local organization. You’ll be surprised at what that will do for the health of your business.

As with all marketing tools, events are easy to attend or host, but it’s hard to do it well to get results. We have much experience in pre-, during and post-event marketing and if you’d like some help to ensure success, we’re an email or phone call away (888-843-0-2595 x1)!


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