Be Mine: Send your customers a special Valentine email

Be Mine: Send your customers a special Valentine email


Love it, hate it, or hide under the covers until it goes away, Valentine’s Day is nearly upon us. Amidst all the love notes, flowers, and candy, it’s easy to focus on the romantic aspect of Valentine’s Day while missing a big opportunity to show your customers how much they mean to you.

Here are some suggestions to make your customers feel wanted on Valentine’s Day:

1. How do you love them? (Count the ways)

Hang on — Valentine’s Day is for lovers only, right? Not necessarily. Who doesn’t like to receive a special valentine letting them know just how much they mean to someone else?

The relationship between a business and its customer can be just as meaningful as between spouses and lovers. And it’s just as important to send a gift or special message to your customers as it is to remind your partner of his or her importance. The more you show your gratitude for their business, the likelier it is they’ll come back for more.

2. A Special Treat

Who can resist a box of chocolates with a bow? Include a special Valentine’s-themed discount or coupon to take advantage of the warm feelings. Customers will feel even more appreciated and you’ll increase the chance that they’ll choose your company as their one and only.

Of course, not everyone has a special someone in their lives to celebrate the holiday. Focusing on couples and romantic deals may isolate your customers who are single (happily or otherwise). How about a special offer just for singles? Give them a little extra love on a day when they might really need it, and they’ll remember you all year round.

3. Share the love

A social media-friendly message will encourage your customers to share your valentine with friends, family, and others. People in their social network who are impressed by your generosity and kindness may fall in love themselves — and you’ll find your subscriber list growing like roses!

Nobody feels the love quite like Solutions for Growth. Click here to sample our email marketing agency and see what kind of Valentine’s Day treats we can offer you!

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