Call to Action: How email marketing entices customers to act now

Call to Action: How email marketing entices customers to act now


“Time is nowhere near running out, so act whenever you get around to it. Delay as long as you like, we’ve got tons more!”

It’s hard to imagine a less compelling message than the one above. We might be a little too accustomed to the cliches, but there’s real truth to the notion that a sense of urgency propels customers into action. “The sooner, the better” isn’t a saying, it’s a way of life!

Here are some advantages in using email marketing to make your customers act now:

1. Timing is everything

The enormous success of Groupon hinged quite cleverly on the notion that subscribers want great deals delivered right to their inbox. Many of their most successful campaigns were time-limited: one had a certain number of days or even hours after clicking on the link before the offer expired. That prompted a great many subscribers to act fast before this once-in-a-lifetime deal vanished.

Email has a distinct advantage when it comes to timing. A browser window to order a product or sign up for a service is a simple click away in email, unlike direct mail or phone calls. Urging your email subscribers to act now and giving them the tools for that action is a prime combination.

2. “This offer will self-destruct in 10 minutes”

You don’t want to be too pushy, of course, but holding a ticking-clock countdown over your subscribers’ heads can’t hurt. Nobody wants to miss out on a great deal, and limited availabilty urges customers to move faster. The tortoise has time to think about things, lose tracks, and forget them, but the hare rushes to act right now. Which would you rather have for a customer?

3. Make a button

A simple and effective way to jump-start quick action is to place a button at the bottom of your email that links to your site. One click of this button allows the reader to place a speedy order. However, not all email readers can process images that will display such a button in a given browser.

A simple work-around to this problem is to place a call to action in the text of the image description. If your button isn’t showing, a simple urging to “Click here to order now” will get the message across — and help your subscriber act now.

Solutions for Growth is an email marketing agency that is unbeatable at crafting time-sensitive messages with speedy results. Contact us now to find out how quickly we can make your customers act fast!

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