The Bing Ads program helped drive a 46% increase in orders and also led to more conversions in other marketing channels as part of an integrated marketing strategy. The PPC ad campaigns worked together to grow the brand's customer base while increasing sales volume and return on ad spend.

vinyl sales increase from bing ads

The Problem

Experience Vinyl wanted to build on the success of their Google Ads PPC program and reach new audiences with high conversion potential.

What We Did

Solutions for Growth analyzed their Google Ads and social media accounts for insights into user conversion behavior from paid ads.

The Solutions for Growth PPC team created new Bing Ads campaigns powered by these key learnings on conversion behavior and optimized the campaigns for sustained growth.

A new merchant center account and shopping campaign were also implemented and adapted to capture more orders for a low average cost per acquisition.

Account performance was further improved by ongoing adjustments to keywords, ad copy, and ad spend allocation.

The Results

Within a couple of months, the Bing Ads program led to thousands of new website visitors per month and helped drive a 46% increase in orders.

98% percent of traffic from the Bing Ads campaigns was new to the Experience Vinyl website.

The Bing Ads program also helped drive more conversions in other marketing channels as part of an integrated marketing strategy.

Our holistic approach to growing order volume and reducing average order costs resulted in a year-over-year 90% increase in sales and a 57% higher return on ad spend in the Google Ads channel.

bing ads case study

“The Solutions for Growth folks are experts at what they do. After much success with Google and Facebook ads, they introduced us to Bing Ads which helped expand our market share in the competitive vinyl market and boost our sales. Plus, they are easy to work with and pay close attention to our goals. We are thrilled to have Solutions for Growth manage our Pay-Per-Click programs.”

Seth Frank