Great Lakes Kwik Storage (GLKS) provides portable storage containers for businesses throughout the Chicagoland area. Their market is other businesses that need containers and semi-trailers for extra storage space.


The Problem

GLKS knew they were missing sales opportunities because their online presence was not strong, the website was dated and there was no tool in place to reach out to their customer base. They asked Solutions for Growth for help to increase their sales.

What We Did

First, Solutions for Growth and GLKS created an email program to reach out to their customers and prospects. The goal was to remind their market of GLKS and introduce special promotions. This had a quick return as promotions and information led to new orders.

Over time, as GLKS saw the impact of the email newsletter program, they asked Solutions for Growth for a plan to further improve their online presence. The first items to be put into place were revisions to the website, a Google Ads campaign and a Search Engine Optimization program designed to drive paid and organic traffic to the website through Google searches. 

The website design was then improved to add more content and include an email capture pop-up that offers a guide to selecting the right container. Once leads enter their email address, they receive the document, followed by an email autoresponder series that nurtures the lead.

An online reviews generation program was put in place to impress potential customers with GLKS’ large number of strong reviews. This helped get third party verification of the company’s legitimacy, quality containers and service.

The Results

GLKS experienced an increase in leads and business of nearly 30% thanks to the system of integrated marketing tools we implemented.


“Solutions for Growth made it painless to implement an effective marketing program. We started with email and soon realized that we could integrate several tools to maximize each one’s effectiveness. The folks at Solutions for Growth are knowledgeable and “get it” and we plan on using their services for a long time to come.”

Dave Werner, Great Lakes Kwik Space