June 2015 – Put Your Website to Work

PUT YOUR WEBSITE TO WORK View this newsletter in its original format What do customers find when they discover your website? Is it engaging, informative and easy to navigate? Merely having a website simply isn’t enough. Your site must contain the information visitors are searching for. More importantly, the site should leverage information and convert visitors…

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March 2015 – What? You’re Not Using Email Marketing?

WHAT? YOU’RE NOT USING EMAIL MARKETING? View this newsletter in its original format Warning: this article makes a strong point about why ANY business or non-profit should use email as a marketing tool. After reading the article you’ll want to get started. You’ve heard that having an email newsletter or promotion is a good idea,…

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December 2014 – How to Connect with Your Customers

Indeed, the internet has depersonalized business to such an extent that customers are seeking to make a connection with the companies they purchase products and services from. Ever wonder why Compaq computers went by the wayside while Apple’s thrived? It’s because Apple was able to attract attention while creating a connection with their customer base.

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May 2014 – Content Marketing for Small Business

Be a Guide to Your Customers – Once upon a time, a company could sink a lot of money into advertising, then sit back and wait. Then the business of marketing changed dramatically. Nowadays it isn’t enough to hope an ad somehow finds its way to your ideal client.Customers are much more savvy and can recognize a sales pitch from a mile off.The best method for convincing them to choose your company is to use content marketing.

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Dip a toe in social media and a #SuccessStory

Social Media Globe

Dip a toe in social media and a #SuccessStory These days, there are so many social media networks that it can be dizzying to try and keep up. But social media is a crucial part of any successful marketing campaign. Social media networks are an extension of your company’s online presence. They offer another opportunity to find new…

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Dip a Toe in Social Media and a #SuccessStory

Dip a toe in social media and a #SuccessStory – These days, there are so many social media networks that it can be dizzying to try and keep up. But social media is a crucial part of any successful marketing campaign. Social media networks are an extension of your company’s online presence. They offer another opportunity to find new customers and connect more deeply with the customers you already have.

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February 2014

This newsletter typically provides you with useful information on marketing that Toot your horn by nashvillescenehelps you grow your business. Today instead, we are tooting our horn with two items we’re very proud of.

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