The Importance of Diversifying Your Marketing

There are many different ways to market your business. Some strategies are going to suit you better than others, especially when it comes to the type of business you run. However, it’s important not to limit yourself to one or two marketing strategies. Be sure to diversify your marketing so that you’re not putting all…

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How do I use email newsletters to grow referrals?

Email newsletter for customer referrals

When it comes to online marketing, many businesses make the mistake of thinking that their job is done once they’ve closed a sale. However, those leads that become customers are incredibly valuable to your business – and not just because they’re more likely to make another purchase at some point in the future. Your customers…

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If I'm on social media, I don't need email marketing, right?


Nope. Email marketing beats social media hands down! Why? Because the two are completely different tools. Why? Email marketing allows you to “push” information into people’s inboxes. With social media, you rely on people to “pull” the information. BUT, both vehicles have their place in a balanced marketing toolkit. For example, having 1,000 email addresses…

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How much time and effort should I put into my marketing?

I think you agree, marketing takes a lot of time and effort: it’s a pretty safe statement. I spend a lot of time talking with business owners and entrepreneurs and one of the things I hear frequently, is that “they don’t have time” to allocate to things like budgeting for marketing, communications planning, email marketing…

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