How to Improve Your Profile in the Market

Email List Growth

As a public presenter, I am often asked, “do you take your own advice in terms of marketing?” Well, that’s a great question because as you’ve noticed many marketing companies have conveniently succumbed to the “cobblers’ shoes” syndrome and consider it ok, to not take the advice they prescribe. Like your business, Solutions for Growth…

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Google Analytics for Small Businesses – What is Needed?

Understanding many of the things that are part of the modern Marketing mix can get overwhelming to a small business owner. We get asked lots of questions and one I’ve been hearing over and over is – what is the story with “analytics”. In plain language, analytics programs and utilities record and track the visitors and…

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Benefits of the Every Door Direct Mail Program

In this short video, learn about the post office’s Every Door Direct Mail Program and how you can select specific carrier routes to assure a thorough coverage of a geographic area. This type of strategy works very well for local businesses such as dental practices, restaurants, retailers and professional services like accounting and legal firms. Click here…

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Yes, Most Marketing Messages Are Ignored

You’re probably wondering, well, I delete most of my emails. Yup. An important concept in marketing: the vast majority of marketing messages are ignored, thrown out, destroyed, right? When you get the mail from your mailbox, you go in front of the garbage and you go “no, no, no, oh, this is interesting!” What that…

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Website Functionality:

Last week we shared some of our thoughts regarding website tools such as vCita, which allow us to add functionality to a website, such as: Display an interactive online event calendar Accept credit card payments online Share contacts, manage a team calendar Promote a business with a mobile-friendly page Manage clients with an online CRM…

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How Often Should I Email?

how often

Although it is true that the more you communicate with your prospects, the more business you will do with them, that truth is surrounded by a raft of must-dos, should-dos, caveats and possible missteps. You don’t want to overdo it and drive them away and you don’t want to “under-do” it and not get the…

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