Comments On Your Website… Should You Allow Them or Not?

Colored Pencils

Comments can be a real asset on your website. If you decide to allow comments you will inevitably see some spam. Spam is part of the internet landscape, but there are some simple and important things you can do to minimize the effect. But this does not mean you shouldn’t consider allowing comments – in…

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Postcards – Marketing Winner or Wasteful?

Postcards, whether you love them or not, are a marketing tool that is understandable and low cost. Postcards are a universal media, they work in both B2C and B2B circumstances. Postcards are good for quickly delivering a call to action to take advantage of: promotional offers value & benefit communications increasing brand and name awareness…

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Tools & Technology for Marketing

A reason Solutions for Growth likes working with WordPress (our website platform of choice) is that it is very flexible and allows us to add functionality easily – it is integration friendly – it plays well with other programs. As a matter of fact, Solutions for Growth uses a number of additional software packages that work…

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What is Content Marketing?

What is Content Marketing? Content marketing is a form of marketing focused on creating, publishing and distributing content for a targeted audience online The Content Marketing Institute, defines content marketing: Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the…

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WordPress Hosting Specialists

WP Engine

Where you host your website is not a sexy or often considered aspect of your company’s marketing and operations plan – but nonetheless it is very important and should be considered as carefully as any other operational part of your business. Security of transactions and customer data is crucial, as is speed of connection, ability…

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Why Should I Use an Email Service Provider?

Jan B Why use email svc provider

From the outside looking in, email seems to be a straightforward way to connect with your prospective customers. Buy a list of “names” from an online broker, write some copy, add a picture, a special discount offer, a logo and a website address and hit send from whatever email program you use. And… nothing happens at…

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Why Does Video Work?

One reason that video works, is because it’s entertaining. We all or many of us spend a big part of the day staring at a screen with a lot of words and a lot of numbers and the mind looks for entertainment. And part of the reason why video is successful whether it’s in an…

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Getting Organized for Successful Marketing

Getting organized for successful marketing

Clients keep telling us they want to get more organized in 2017. Organized can mean all kinds of things, from cleaning out the office (ugh, a chore at best) to figuring out a better way to work with associates, vendors and clients. People, work, schedules, memos, files – the activities of our workday become tough…

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