Click Hard: Surefire tips to get your emails read by customers who just don't read emails

Click Hard: Surefire tips to get your emails read by customers who just don’t read emails

Even the best-written emails aren’t much good if no one clicks on them to read about your expertise. Here are some tips to ensure your emails get clicked open:

1. Fields of Dreams

The two main fields of your email that help drive your open rate are the “From” and “Subject” lines. Are you correctly communicating the source of this email to your readers? Is it coming from a trusted source, like your company’s name, or from a personal email account that your subscribers aren’t likely to recognize? Make sure your company name is clearly conveyed at a glance.

The subject line is an even bigger deal. When we receive an email, we ask ourselves one, simple question: “Why should I open this?” Most of the time, there are so many others to read, we can’t be bothered to click on a message that doesn’t grab us.

2. On the Subject of Subjects…

Your subject line is the fastest and surest way to grip ’em by the collar and hold on tight. You’ll need to keep it short (many email providers cut off the subject line after the 30th character) and powerful. Think of it as the “elevator pitch,” a Hollywood term for explaining the plot of a movie in less time than it takes to ride an elevator. If you can grab the listener’s interest before the doors open, they’ll give you time to expand on the whole story.

Let the subject of your email directly convey your message. Are you offering a great discount? Sharing some crucial information? Promoting a can’t-miss sale? This is the place to share the information, with details to follow in the body of a message they can’t afford not to click on.

3. Offer Expires…

We’ve all had the experience of sitting through an entire news show for that tantalizing clip at the end that’s been teased at every commercial break. After you see the hottest Academy Awards fashions in a quick, 30-second clip, you may wonder why you bothered — but that’s the mark of a good tease!

If you’re making a special offer, tease it at the top of your email and tuck the details down at the bottom. By prompting subscribers to read through the entire email to reach that irresistible offer, you not only hold their interest but manage to convey crucial information about your company and services along the way.

The best way to get your emails clicked on is to utilize Solutions for Growth as your email marketing agency. Click here to get started now!

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