Customer Retention – How Email Marketing Helps

One customer in the hand is worth two in the bush. It is an old adage that remains relevant in the fast-paced world of modern commerce. Securing new customers requires a considerable investment of time and resources. Retaining these customers is akin to maintaining a valuable asset that you have worked hard to create.

Full-service email marketing is an effective option that your small business can use to make customer retention easier. Email is a personalized, cost-effective, and highly efficient method of retaining customers that you can track and learn from.

Email Can be Personalized

“Dear Mr. Smith” goes a long way towards keeping the conversation going. A simple greeting shows respect for the client. It shows that you value their business and the relationship you have established. Coupled with specific details regarding their purchases and their business goals, customers appreciate the added effort you put into maintaining your relationship with them.

Email Shows Gratitude

“Thank you.” These two simple words go a long way towards retaining a customer. By using email to thank customers for their order, you show gratitude for their business. In the realm of full-service email marketing, showing gratitude is one of the most important tasks a business can perform.

Email Serves as a Notifier, and as a Friendly Reminder

Have a big sale coming up? Send an email to let your existing customers know about it before anyone else. They will appreciate the exclusivity of the invite, and the opportunity to act before anyone else. Further, you can keep the conversation going by reminding customers of the services and products you have to offer.

Email Can Be Used to Improve Your Business

Do you think your customers are happy…or do you know they are? One of the best ways to find out is to ask them. Email is a quick and highly effective method of determining this through a survey. Customer satisfaction is the key to customer retention. Soliciting customer feedback via email gives you the information you need to tailor and customize your business for your client’s needs. This gives you the ability to adjust your operations as your business evolves.

Email Gives Value, and Brings Value

An email is a source of information for your clients. It’s a snippet of your business. It’s an opportunity for them to learn something, discover something, or place an order. This is valuable to your clients as it is simple to digest and take action upon. By giving your clients something of value in each and every email, your bring value to your business and the relationship you are attempting to strengthen.

Solutions for Growth is a full-service email marketing agency that can help integrate these concepts and many others into your marketing efforts. Whether your goals are retaining your existing customer base, or growing into new markets, we have the skill and experience to make it happen. We invite you to contact us at 888-840-2595 x1, or to send us an email to discover the difference we can make for your business.