Do You Feel Lucky?: How to turn email marketing into a pot of gold

Do You Feel Lucky?: How to turn email marketing into a pot of gold


Any successful marketing program involves a little luck, but luck is elusive and unreliable. If you stumble across the end of a rainbow, that’s a great start — but a more dependable method is to make your own luck by increasing the effectiveness of your email marketing program.

Here are some golden ideas for getting the most out of your email marketing:

1. The Raffle Truth

Building a contact list can be a daunting task to start with. It’s a good idea to have an email sign-up sheet in your store or on your website, but customers might be leery of signing up for “another” mailing list.

A raffle is a great incentive! Customers sign up for a monthly draw to win a special prize or service and find themselves hooked by your superlative email marketing skills. They’ll come for the award but they’ll stay for the expertise.

2. Count On Coupons

A good email newsletter decisively answers one question: “What’s in it for the reader?” Just getting them to sign up isn’t enough: you have to keep them coming back for more. Including a coupon in your email is a great way to hook your readers.

A coupon is like a handful of marketing doubloons! Whether it offers a two-for-one deal, 10% off a good or service, or something free, a coupon will encourage customers to sample your business and come back for more, suitably impressed. And you’ll have a chance to see how effective your email marketing can be!

3. Keep Track of Initiatives

Use distinct coupon codes so you’ll know what coupon is being redeemed, when, and by whom. Tracking the numbers will let you know which customers respond the most often — and most enthusiastically! That way you can target special offers toward distinct groups of customers and get the most bang for your bucks.

Solutions for Growth’s full-service email marketing program offers a Fort Knox-sized vault of golden wisdom. We’ll oversee your special offers, track the responses, and give you exact, reliable numbers you can use. Contact us now for your lucky day!

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