Email Marketing Tips

Email Marketing Tips 


These days it’s no question that Social Media is dominating the World Wide Web, but despite this, Email is still standing strong and is the most popular form of communicating with clients and colleagues alike. Regardless of the business you’re running, a well orchestrated email campaign can prove to be quite favorable. For that reason is why an Email marketing agency is pivotal when it comes to launching successful email campaigns. The following are a few tips to assure your next email campaign catapults you and brings traffic to your site.

  1. Don’t get lazy; send more personalized emails. Speaking on behalf of many, bulk emails throw most off and bore the majority. Millions maybe billions of emails are sent out each day. You should ask yourself, how are my emails useful? Try and compose more custom written emails and you will be sure to receive acknowledgment in no time.  
  2. Make sure emails are concise. Most people don’t have time at work and much less on their free time to read long letters and sometimes useless trivia. Keep things snappy and interesting.
  3. As nice as pictures are, don’t exaggerate. Speaking as an avid email reader a lot of programs remove some of these images or make the process slower to load.
  4. Try and limit the times you have to scroll down to continue reading. We’ve all seen them and hate the emails that are so long that regardless of how interesting they seem, we get discouraged from reading. If possible, include a table of contents. Help people find a topic of interest within the actual email.
  5. This one might go with #1 but it is so important that it had to be its own tip: If you know the receiver’s name, use it! Nothing says you care and you know the person, than using their first name. They will appreciate the fact that you know to whom you are writing.
  6. Best time to send? It mostly depends on the company, target market and mind frame of recipient when received. Most of us are bombarded by a cornucopia of emails over the weekend. For some Monday morning is ideal, for others Sunday evening is best. Testing is important. Generally best open rates are 8-10 am…but each company is different.
  7. Don’t spam! Think of spamming as illegal in the internet marketing world. Creativity and original content is the key to any successful email campaign.
  8. Create a catchy subject line. Does your subject line answer the question “why should I open this email?” If there is a hook in the subject line, people are most likely to at least open the email to see what its regarding.
  9. Try as hard as you can to make the email about them and not you. We all know and are tired of these companies that babble on about a certain product or service in an entire email (if we manage to make it to the bottom of the page).
  10. Email MUST have a ‘call to action’ button. Don’t underestimate its power. When a potential client opens your email, you want to make it fast and easy for them to contact you, make a purchase or take whatever step you want them to take.

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