From "Like" to Love: Why is email more effective than social media?

From “Like” to Love: Why is email more effective than social media?


At first you might shake your head, squint your eyes, and think, “That can’t be right.” But the data proves it: with almost three times as many user accounts as Twitter and Facebook put together, email marketing remains the most effective way of communicating your message directly to customers.

It’s true that social media has spun out of control over the past decade. However, recent data from Monetate reveals that email marketing is almost twice as effective at driving online traffic as search engines and three times more powerful than social media.

Trends come and go, but email remains the preferred method of communication in the internet age. The Radicati Group released a study showing that on average, 82.6 billion emails were sent and received every single day in 2013.

What’s more, the number of worldwide email accounts is expected to balloon from 3.9 billion in 2013 to 4.9 billion by 2017. That’s a lot of eyeballs for even the most popular social media network to catch up to!

Here are three advantages email has over social media:

1. Direct

What’s more personal than a direct, one-to-one communication? Email allows you to engage your customer directly, free of commentary, digressions, and other intrusions from a social circle.

2. Personalization

Subscribers opt in to email lists, which means the message you’re sending has personal relevance to them. Try pruning a Facebook news feed so it only shows what you want to see — and good luck with that!

3. Engagement

By reaching subscribers directly, email marketing promotes engagement. Customers are encouraged by calls to action for things they’re already interested in.

Email marketing is a powerful tool that works best when used effectively. Solutions for Growth has a full-service email marketing plan that keeps up with technological innovations and outpaces social media. Click here to see how we can make email work for you!

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