Getting Organized for Successful Marketing

Clients keep telling us they want to get more organized in 2017. Organized can mean all kinds of things, from cleaning out the office (ugh, a chore at best) to figuring out a better way to work with associates, vendors and clients.

People, work, schedules, memos, files – the activities of our workday become tough to manage – with information constantly coming at us from different angles. Managing the decisions, people, schedules, dialogues and projects we get involved in requires a web-based tool – one that everyone can share and use, and to boot, one that is mobile friendly. In essence, this type of tool “keeps us all on the same page.”

Since Solutions for Growth is a marketing company, organized for us means two things: improving process and communication , and so, in the vein of starting the year on an organized foot, we have some recommendations. Some of the tools we describe are available free to start ,and in many cases, it is that base configuration that works just fine.

For teams of two or more, it is handy to have a platform for: chat, file sharing and archiving. Solutions for Growth favors using a platform called Glip. Glip has a more popular, slightly more complex cousin called Slack. Alternatives to Glip and Slack are Basecamp and Zoho. Figuring out the criteria for your decision and navigating the decisions is an area where Solutions for Growth can help. Click here to set up a call with David to discuss how to start getting organized for successful marketing.