How Merging Email marketing and social media can help grow your business

How Merging Email marketing and social media can help grow your business




Recently social marketers and email marketers are discovering how they can complement each other. One thing to take into consideration though is that a social marketing campaign will not surpass the engagement rate brought to you by an email campaign. Email marketing is still far more effective and still surpasses social media marketing in every way. That doesn’t mean that social media should be ignored. On the contrary email marketing along with social media, if taken advantage of, can actually benefit and help grow your business. Follow these steps provided by an Email marketing agency and you will see that in time the fusion of these two powerhouses will make sure you see rapid results.

 Like two peas in a pod

Companies tend to make the mistake of looking for new ways to target their audience and ignore the actual proven methods to market their business.  Social Media and Email marketing if used properly are powerful allies. For example, newsletters can be posted on social media sites, and are then shared, commented on or liked, giving the newsletters (or surveys, coupons or other message), an added life of their own. Since the newsletters contain a “join my list” button, it’s a way to gather new subscribers. The important thing though is to keep them hand in hand and don’t disregard one for the other. Just because you’re the first company to utilize a social media website doesn’t mean you will be successful but slow and steady wins the race and taking advantage of current marketing strategies (which are proven to work) will most likely get you the presence and engagement rate you yearn for. Social media can help but it shouldn’t be your main focus.  

Social marketing can help you in these three simple but crucial steps.

  1. Expand your reach- There’s no question that social media can reach millions of people and in the last few years we’ve seen more new social websites make it to the big leagues which means your potential customers have already been pre-sorted for you. Let me provide an example, Facebook is more general but you can learn about a client or company’s past. While Twitter is more about the present and future. Companies post tweets that talk about current events and things to come. Others like Pinterest and Instagram are more visual and are clearly used to promote a product. Don’t limit yourself to just one of these sites. My point is, using these simultaneously can help reach more people that like to receive information in different ways. The use of social media can also help your mailing list grow. All of the aforementioned social tools can help spread the word about your e-newsletters and where to sign up.
  2. Fast and effective- While e-newsletters can be slow, social media sites work with light speed. It is the most immediate and also encourages rapid response. You also don’t have to limit yourself on forwarding newsletters to friends anymore as you can add the Facebook “like” button and other social media icons on the newsletter so followers and friends of followers can start to recognize who you are. Social presence is the key goal here.
  3. It allows you to be concise- Quantity isn’t as important as quality in this case and the more terse you are, the easier it is for you to have an interested reader. While a newsletter’s main focus is content; you’ll need lots of information to be actually taken in well. Social media on the other hand is the complete opposite; it’s about getting your point across quickly but clearly. Look at Twitter for instance. In 140 characters they want you to get your point across. You can use this to write a short description or promote an article.

To wrap things up here the use of social media with email marketing will help raise your company’s awareness. These two powerhouses are different in many ways but both complement each other in the sense that you can build a community around your website. Garner potential clients using social media, and keep them fed with good new content on your newsletters. 

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