How Much is Your Business at Risk?

website accessibility checker accessibe

Privacy and Website Accessibility Laws for Small Businesses

Being a busy small business owner, the last thing you want to see as you start your work day is a demand letter from an attorney. It can be jarring to read a detailed account of the ways their client has found your website in violation of privacy and disability laws alongside the expensive settlement terms being demanded within a short timeline to comply

website compliance lawsA growing trend of costly legal challenges for small businesses over recent years is centered around national and global privacy laws together with recent changes to how the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) impacts business websites. 

For ADA web-accessibility litigation alone, the average growth rate of demand letters and lawsuits has been steadily increasing since 2019. The typical lawsuit settlement ranges from $20,000 to $50,000.


The good news is that safeguarding your website and supporting all potential customers for your business has never been easier!



website accessibility lawsWhat It Is

accessiBe is a low-cost web accessibility application that brings your website up to compliance with the ADA and other legal requirements


How It Works

Once installed on your website, the app displays an accessibility icon for visitors. See it in action on the Solutions for Growth website now (click on the orange circle in the bottom left corner).


Additional Benefits

  • Provides an easy-to-use website experience for visitors with disabilities without rebuilding or redesigning your website.
  • Supports better website metrics and search engine rankings from more engaged users who spend more time interacting with your website. 
  • Demonstrates your brand’s commitment to deliver a superior experience to customers and builds trust with your market.

Get a Compliance Team Behind Your Brand

website privacy policy compliance

Contact us to get support from our team of expert website developers and small business marketers. Schedule a call with us to discuss how you can quickly and easily get your website up to compliance standards.



website policy complianceWhat It Is

Termaggedon simplifies complex website policy compliance by keeping your online policies up to date with changing laws. Website Privacy, Terms & Conditions, and Disclaimer policies are mandatory in many states, but the various laws differ in how your website is required to handle user data, website usage rules, and limitations of your services. 


How It Works

The Termaggedon app ensures your website policies remain up-to-date with the latest legal requirements. After answering a few initial questions, Termageddon generates comprehensive policies that automatically update for you as laws change, saving you a huge amount of time and helping you avoid costly legal battles.


Additional Benefits

  • Compliant, easy to read website policies convey trust and professionalism to your target audience.
  • Adapts your policies to meet current website policy laws and monitors for future changes that affect your business regardless of your location or language.

Smart Marketing Tools for Small Businesses

Avoid the risk of crippling lawsuits and fines! accessiBe and Termageddon offer simple, affordable solutions to ensure your website is legally compliant and accessible to all. 


accessiBe partner logo

Solutions for Growth is a certified agency partner for both Termageddon and accessiBe.



We’ve installed these tools on dozens of websites to protect those businesses. Don’t put yourself at risk by not doing the right thing for your customers and community.

Contact us to learn more.

How to Make Website Pop-Ups Effective

When done well, website pop-ups are a tried and true way to capture attention from your website visitors and generate more leads. Learn more on how to make a pop-up feature effective and engaging on your website.