How to Write a Great email newsletter

How to Write a Great email newsletter



Email newsletters are a great way to build trust and relationships. Regardless of the business you operate, if you’re creating and sending out a newsletter, you want to make it successful. Whether you’re an accountant, retailer, plumber, e-commerce site or even a tattoo parlor, you have to have the right technique to grab the reader’s attention. The main point of a newsletter is to get your idea across in an organized manner. The key is to make sure your subscribers actually read them, gain the loyalty of current readers and make it good enough so that new readers follow. To make sure you achieve this success, you want to follow steps this email marketing agency has provided.

Grab their attention!

Honestly, have you ever read a newsletter with a boring title? Chances are you haven’t and neither have your subscribers. For that reason you should create subject lines that grab the reader’s attention, because let’s face it, that is the point of all newsletters. Don’t be too broad or too boring. Make sure you throw some humor into the mix and have them wanting more as opposed to long boring texts that very few will actually take the time and read completely.


The point of a newsletter should always be to get your point across, but readers don’t want to read something that makes that obvious. You’re trying to communicate to a great number of people but remember that each person reading it is an individual. You want to give it that personal feel so that the reader thinks you’re appealing to just him or her. For that reason, being entertaining can always be the right way to go. Make sure to let the reader knows he or she is appreciated for taking the time to read your article.

Don’t stress

If you’re writing something you feel you know little about and if you’re bored while writing it, most likely the reader will be bored reading it. Have fun with your articles and don’t be afraid to throw in some humor as that is what draws the reader into your current article and make them look forward to the next. Don’t make your newsletter one big joke (you obviously want to appeal to a serious audience) but thinking outside the box never hurt anyone.

 Length and Frequency

The more frequent your articles are, the shorter they should be. A reader would much rather read a ‘tip of the day’ than one long repetitive article that most likely they’ll send to their junk mail. Also important is consistency, most companies fail to know the importance of this. It is not ideal to have newsletters sent daily for a week, and the following week just not send them. Even if they go out every month, make sure they’re released around the same time. You definitely don’t want your readers wondering when your next great article will come out.

Be original

Your business and clients are original, but most likely there is another company offering your same product/service. It is imperative that you separate yourself from the herd and write compelling articles (you don’t want to stay behind your competitors) that talk about how you’re different from the rest. In concise articles talk about what you offer that others cant, sell yourself!

Find the right amount of content

We’ve talked about the importance of being brief but one important thing we’re overlooking is that you shouldn’t forget that the idea behind your newsletter is to provide a good amount of information. Our point was to not make it so long that no one would read it, but you also have to find equilibrium with how much content is too much. Make sure you leave readers always asking questions, “how do I get a hold of these people?”, “do they have a website?” These details can get you the business you aspire.

 Make it aesthetically pleasing

It’s typical of all people to judge a book by its cover, newsletters are no different. Looks might not be everything but if it looks boring visually, most people will process that it is not of their interest. We left this tip as last but it isn’t necessarily less important. The first thing a reader will notice is the visual layout of your newsletter, the colors, and the size of the text. If it’s not appealing, or devoid of images, it will most likely be ignored. Clean images and a fair amount of links can all go a long way in deciding whether or not your newsletter is read. 

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