Importance of Email marketing

Importance of Email marketing 


Forget everything you thought you knew prior to this article about email marketing. Email is an internet marketing tool that is pulling its own weight in the marketing options for most businesses. It is more alive than ever and there are a few reasons for why email marketing so important for you and your business.

email-marketing (1)Some might be thinking that email is old fashioned, expensive and technical. Well we’re here to tell you that all of those assumptions are false. Email is not dead, nor is it expensive, and yes it helps grow sales! Regardless of what your opinion may be when it comes to email marketing, the truth is the numbers speak for themselves. Emails can lead to higher conversions, increased sales, and brand awareness for big and small businesses alike. Because of this, it is highly encouraged to focus on what email marketing actually is and not the common misconceptions that it is not.

What is Email Marketing?

1.      Easy to personalize

With email marketing you choose who receives your email and who doesn’t. This is a great advantage because you can get past the general email blasts and only target a specific group of people. After you have a target audience, you can elaborate emails that are tailored to the needs of each client.

2.      Inexpensive

Notice I said inexpensive and not cheap. It might not be cheap but it is a low cost option that is proven to have a great return for your business as it remains as the leader in return on investment.

3.      Builds relationships

Email should never be spam. It should be used as vessel to build loyalty and have people trust your brand. Email marketing gives you the opportunity to speak to past customers, current leads and prospects because you have the opportunity to speak directly to them. Depending on how many emails you send, most might not respond but with the ones that do, you have the opportunity to sell yourself and build a good relationship.

4.      Quick Response

It’s a common reflex for all of us to take action when an email is received. If it’s spam, we delete it, if it’s interesting we’ll respond right away or put it on a to do list. Bottom line is, something will be done about that email. Click through, sign up or even buy now are some options, some of us also forward email to others, so if it isn’t helpful for us, it may be for family members or colleagues.

5.      Still ahead of social media

As discussed on previous blog posts, people think that with the growing popularity of social media, email marketing may be pushed to the side. What isn’t taken into account though is that all social media websites require an email in order to be set up, coincidence? So if emails aren’t part of your marketing plan, you are clearly missing out on a great opportunity.

6.      It’s everywhere!

Nowadays everyone has a mobile phone. Regardless of what you use it for, statistics show that more than 80% of smartphone Increase-Your-Sales-by-Email-Marketing-Funnelusers check email through their phones. This might be one of the most important reasons to include mobile email marketing plans in your strategy because people are no longer limited to their desktops to check their emails. They check emails on the go and are now available all the time. Just make sure your emails are responsive, which means they render the same whether it’s on a mobile phone, tablet or laptop. You don’t want potential clients to see an awful display of images that don’t open and text that is incomplete.

 To wrap up, an email marketing agency can help set up your campaign which will ultimately have you getting more visibility and raising the brand awareness you probably weren’t getting using some less effective marketing tools.

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