Improved relationships through full-service email marketing services

Business is about relationships. It’s about connecting with your clients and developing solid communications. The better your relationship with your clients, the better you will be able to deliver the products and services they desire. The goal is improved relationships.

Full-service email marketing helps you cultivate these relationships so that they grow stronger over time. By creating a steady, but not overwhelming flow of communication, your business can grow stronger from inbox to invoice. As your business relationship with each client solidifies, the result is a steady stream of orders that you can rely upon.

At Solutions for Growth, our full-service email marketing help our clients develop relationships with their customers and prospects. We do this by using the following tried and trusted methods:

  • Consistent Messaging. The tone, style, focus, and length of your message must be consistent from one email to the next. From the graphics to the context, we streamline our client’s messages so that they create a consistent brand image.
  • Regularity. One message a month may not be enough, and ten messages in a day doesn’t make up for 6 months of not contacting your customers. The secret to building strong relationships with customers is to provide information on a regular schedule. To that end, we work with our clients to determine how often they should make contact with their customer base.
  • Follow-Up. Communication should always be a two-way street. You should provide information to your clients that they can easily chew over and digest. Most importantly, you want them to contact you with their questions and to learn more about the service/product you are telling them about. By opening the door to communication, you extend your opportunity to develop your relationship with clients.
  • Uniformity & Integration. Full-service email marketing takes into account all of the channels you are using to contact your clients. It requires coordinating your contact schedule so that your emails intersect with social media posts, snail mail, television/radio advertisements, etc. By coordinating your marketing efforts across channels, you create a steady flow of information for customers to consume.

The advantages of developing strong relationships between your business and your clientele are well-worth the effort it takes. These advantages include:

You Become a First-Choice

The stronger your improved relationships, the more likely your customers will contact you when they need a product or service you carry. This gives you the opportunity to answer their questions before they contact your competitors.

Customers Will Show Loyalty Beyond Cost

Clients are always cost-sensitive. However, loyalty to brand built upon a solid relationship trumps lower costs. That’s because loyalty is built upon dependability. If you have a strong relationship with your clients, they will purchase your products and services because they know they can rely on your offerings. That is invaluable and clients will spend more when they know exactly what they’ll be getting in return.

Clients Will Become Advocates

The best customer is the customer who tells all their associates and colleagues about your business. By developing strong relationships with your clients, they will become vocal advocates of your products and services. It has the effect of adding dozens, possibly even hundreds, of people to your business. Best of all, it’s 100% free; and word-of-mouth advertising is the highest praise a business can receive and rely upon for the generation of new business.

Ready to see what full-service Email marketing can do for your business? Contact Solutions for Growth at 800-840-2595 x1 to learn more about our email marketing services. You can also send David Fischer an email, or schedule an appointment that fits within your busy schedule.