Irresistible Offers That Grow Your Email List

grow your email list


Experienced small business owners like you know there is unmatched sales potential in a well-built email list.

In addition to offering the best return on investment (ROI), email marketing is essential for long term customer retention.

But before you can use your email program to strengthen brand loyalty or increase sales, you’ll need to start with a strong list of prospects who are genuinely interested in your business.

How Do You Attract More Subscribers Who are Most Likely to Convert?

attract more subscribersThe short answer is to offer them something irresistible at the point of sign up, and then keep them engaged with relevant, useful content that caters to their interests and your business strengths.

Asking for an email address is a transaction, not a request.

Your audience expects something that gives them real value or benefit in return for their personal information.

Promos and Discount Offers

This tried-and-true method is still very effective for capturing both new email addresses for your list and boosting sales.

  • Try Something New - Go beyond the usual percent or dollars off promotion and test other cost-saving offers such as free shipping, expedited shipping upgrades, or a free add-on item.
  • For a Limited Time Only - Add an expiration date to the offer to compel immediate action and make it even harder for your prospects to walk away without completing a purchase.
  • Free Consultations or Trials - This is especially powerful for service businesses where prospects struggle to value an intangible product that is new to them. Set their expectations off right and give them a preview of what it’s like to be a customer.

Lead Magnets

lead magnet ideasUse the power of exclusivity to make your lead magnet a must-have for subscribers. Demonstrate your brand’s authority by offering them unique content they can’t get elsewhere.

  • One Page Guides and Checklists: Simplify a complex topic with downloadable resources they can go to again and again while thinking about your brand.
  • Templates: Help your audience save time with an easy-to-customize template.
  • Online Courses and Webinars: Showcase your expertise with free access to a short video clip or webinar not available to the general public.

Need a Hand?

Our award-winning team has been helping small businesses optimize their email marketing programs for more than a decade. Let’s talk more about how to best grow your email list full of high-converting subscribers.  

Contact us and schedule a call today.

3 Must Have Email Marketing Automations for Small Businesses

Drive business growth with email marketing automations that save you time and better engage subscribers. Check out this short clip from our recent email marketing automation webinar where we break down the 3 types of automation series campaigns to use now.