June 2015 – Put Your Website to Work


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What do customers find when they discover your website? funnelIs it engaging, informative and easy to navigate? Merely having a website simply isn’t enough. Your site must contain the information visitors are searching for.
More importantly, the site should leverage information and convert visitors into leads (prospects). If it’s not, then your website is not effective. Determining whether your site is working the way it should, begins by addressing these questions.

Aesthetic Appeal

Your website is a visual representation of your business. Does it look clean, or is it cluttered? Does it reflect a sense of strength and trustworthiness, or does it look sloppy and thrown together? The colors you select, the text you craft, and the graphics you incorporate must all paint a picture of your business that you want to showcase to the world.

Effective Communication

Potential customers should look at your website and within 3clock seconds determine precisely what you do.Your home page and landing pages should be easily navigable so that customers can drill down into the products and services they are most interested in. It should be crystal clear why your products and services are superior to those of your competitors.

Information Collection

At the core of sales is the collection of information. Is your website gathering contact information? This is crucial if you want to start communicating with visitors.

white paper

Build your site to collect information, and allow it to interact with your customers for immediate follow-up. Lead magnets such as special offers and informative documents help you gather this information so that you can follow up via email or phone. Services such as Constant Contact (to collect email addresses and create an autoresponder series) and vCita (to get visitors to schedule a call with you) make this simple to do.

The 90’s are over, and the internet has evolved. In 2015, merely having a web presence is no longer sufficient to conduct business.

From today into the future, your web presence should actively work to promote your business. Like any star employee, the more you mentor, train, and enrich, the more effective your website will be at helping you achieve your sales targets.