May 2014 – Content Marketing for Small Business

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Be a Guide to Your Customers

Once upon a time, a company could sink a lot of money into advertising, then sit back and wait. Then the business of marketing changed dramatically.Sit and waitNowadays it isn’t enough to hope an ad somehow finds its way to your ideal client.Customers are much more savvy and can recognize a sales pitch from a mile off.The best method for convincing them to choose your company is to use content marketing.

It’s All About Content Marketing

Content marketing shows your customer that you’re an expert in your field and that your company’s product or service will solve their problems. This is your chance to act as a guide to your customers, causing them to seek you out.


But here things can get murky. There are so many types of content marketing that it’s hard to know where to start. Here are some types of content marketing for small business:

  • White papers are an authoritative report or guide to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision.eBook
  • eBooksenable you to share a wealth of information with your customers via a simple download.
  • Email newsletters, not unlike the one you’re reading at this very moment, give you an opportunity to present your expertise to a receptive readership that have opted in to your mailing list.
  • Blogs enable you to stay fresh and at the forefront of your customers’ minds with regular and informative posts. The more regular content you offer, the more they’ll keep coming back!
  • Guest blogging gives you a chance to bring in a fresh perspective on a product or service your company offers. Firsthand accounts only lend more weight to your expertise. And cross-promoting between blogs helps both parties extend their reach!
  • Presentations at groups and associations caGive a presentationn help get the word out about your company — as well as offering you a chance to expand your client list by gathering email addresses and other contact information. And by hosting your own presentations, you become a leader rather than just another attendee.

The benefit of good content is that people will share it across social media platforms and increase your exposure without ads. As noted in a Beresford Research report:

  • The sharing of content through social media and email (“online sharing”) consistently outperforms both consumer ratings and consumer reviews.

The beauty of online sharing is, a) it’s free, and b) the customers are the ones who share the information with their social media network. That makes it as valuable and trusted as a friend’s personal recommendation!

Content marketing presents you as an expert to your customers, while giving them ample material to share online and bolster your business profile. 

Make Change Work for You!

If you want change in your business, you have to try something different that is proven to work. Present yourself to the market as an expert and people needing your expertise will flock to you. 
We know content marketing inside and out! Contact Solutions for Growth today to get started on a new and better direction for your company.