New Year, New Approach: Develop your email marketing program

New Year, New Approach: Develop your email marketing program


It never fails: at the start of each year, we make a list of resolutions to change those habits we don’t like and set new and better goals for ourselves. New Year, new you. But why stop there?

This year, make a resolution to improve your email marketing program. You won’t even have to skip dessert or spend more time at the gym to do it!

Here are a few pointers to help you get started.

1. Make sure your customers know your emails are from your company.

Most people don’t open emails from senders they don’t recognize. Make sure your company name appears in the “From” line so your customers will feel secure that they aren’t getting spammed or unleashing a virus on their computer. The name of a trusted business is much more assuring than

2. Keep those subjects lines short and sizzling!

One way to grab your customers and guarantee they open your emails is to use bold subject lines that are attention-grabbing. The subject line should be short and succinct, and strong enough to grab the reader. A good rule of thumb is to limit your subject lines to 7 words maximum, no more than 30 characters total, so that the subject won’t get cut off by the edge of a browser or window.

3. Aim carefully instead of “blasting” away.

Don’t “blast” your customers with a barrage of emails on everything from A to Z. Target customers with specific email messages that relate to their interests and your business. Big sales are great, but constant emails about big sales all the time don’t build a connection between a business and its customers.

Better yet, perhaps you should take advantage of Solutions for Growth’s full service email marketing program . We’ll take care of all of the above and then some! Click here to find out what services we offer and make this the best year your company has ever had!

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