On the Go: Making mobile-friendly emails for your customers

On the Go: Making mobile-friendly emails for your customers


As smartphones and tablets become more prevalent in our lives, there are countless new opportunities to check email throughout the day. In line at the coffee shop. Before a movie starts. Yes, even in the bathroom.

One recent survey found that 43% of all email is read on a mobile device. It’s more important than ever to make sure your emails are optimized for mobile reading as much as for a computer . Here are a few tips:

1. Keep It Simple and Clean

A good rule of thumb is: the easier your message can be relayed, in the fewest words possible, the better. That’s particularly true when your email is being read on a mobile device, especially while the reader is actually in motion. Your email has precious little time and space to hook the reader, so make the most of it!

A layout that’s clear, uncomplicated, and easy on the eyes is the best way to ensure your email gets noticed. Tiny font crammed into multiple columns with an eye-straining background color guarantees that your email will get set aside until later, and possibly lost altogether.

2. Use Images Deftly and Sparingly

Appealing, carefully chosen images are great for drawing the reader’s eye and adding emphasis to your message. But too many images create clutter and noise; it’s difficult to read an email that’s crammed full of them, particularly on a smaller screen. What’s more, some mobile operating systems automatically turn images off, which could render your heavily illustrated email a jumbled mess.

So keep those images few and far-between, and make sure they’re relevant to the ideas you’re trying to get across. We all adore gratuitous pictures of baby pandas, but there’s a time and place for everything.

3. Call Readers to Action

Start your email with a strong, clear call to action. The sooner you prompt the reader to act, the less you risk losing their attention to a myriad of distractions. As with images, keep it simple: “Click here to buy now” or “Click here to check out our discounts.” One simple call to action at a time, please. The more complicated your message, the greater your chances of confusing or deterring the reader.

The best way to ensure a mobile-friendly email is to enlist Solutions for Growth as your email marketing agency. We optimize all our emails for any and every device. Click here to see how we can mobilize your email marketing!

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