Satisfied Customers are Loyal Customers

A satisfied customer is a loyal customer. In an era when competition is growing by leaps and bounds, keeping your customers satisfied is essential to helping your business grow. When it comes to full-service email marketing, there are several elements that should be included within your messages:

Personalization: Include your customer’s name within the message. It’s a little step that goes a long way towards showing that you relate to them as individuals and not just as representatives of XYZ Co., LLC, Ltd., etc. It shows respect and signals that you are helping them to achieve their personal business objectives and goals.

Consistency: Your messages should be written in the same tone and to the same length. It is best to keep the structure, including font and other formatting the same. This creates a consistent pattern that becomes comfortable and expected. Consistency shows that you know your brand and that there won’t be any surprises. It’s well worth investing the time to determine which structure appeals best to your clients.

Engagement: Show your clients the ways that you bring value to your client’s businesses and solicit feedback on ways that you can better serve them. Whenever possible, give your clients opportunities to start a conversation with you.

Rewards: Everyone likes to be rewarded for their efforts, and clients love to be rewarded for their loyalty. Providing discounts for services, and special offers such as exclusive or early access to new products and services goes a long way towards building brand loyalty, You can also offer to promote their business by offering to give their products and services exposure to your client base. Rewarding commitment to your brand is one of the easiest ways to show clients that you value everything that they bring to your business.

Motivation: Your messages should always seek to motivate your clients to take action. In the internet era, you must show them, tell them, and inspire them to make a purchase. Each of your messages should be closed with a sales pitch that speaks to your client’s immediate needs and is easy to follow-through with. The goal is to inspire immediate action that doesn’t take days, weeks, or months to mull over, such as:

“April 15th is tax day. If you sign-up for Zach’s internal auditing services by April 10th, we will make sure that your 1040’s, Schedule S’s, and your PDQ’s are in order so that the tax man doesn’t feel like knocking on your door later this year.”  

Gratitude: Showing gratitude is great. Businesses that stay in business take every opportunity to express their gratitude for their client’s loyalty. Using the right words is equally as valuable as offering tangible rewards such as discount programs and special offers, “Please,” “Thank you,” “We appreciate your business,” are words and phrases that speak to the heart. These simple words of gratitude foster trust and respect, which are valuable components to building successful business relationships. By showing your clients genuine gratitude, you will earn their loyalty for years to come.

Solutions for Growth is a full-service Email marketing agency that is ready to craft the messages your clients are eager to read. We invite you to contact us at 800-840-2595 to discuss your business’ needs and to discover the ways we can help you achieve your professional objectives.