Say It Loud and Proud: How your online exposure benefits from email marketing

Say It Loud and Proud: How your online exposure benefits from email marketing


Although social media has exploded in popularity over the last few years, recent studies have found that email marketing is more effective than social media alone. But that doesn’t mean the two can’t be best friends!

The relationship between email and social media is like a revolving door: it goes both ways at the same time. It works a lot like this:


You send the email to your subscriber list. Your subscribers “like” and share the email across various social media platforms. Their friends and followers who see your shared email can then join your mailing list, while passing it along to their own social media networks.

In this way, social media drives traffic back to the email list. Meanwhile, the email list increases your company’s awareness across social media platforms. It’s win-win!

To give your newsletter “added legs,” use the web address to maximize the potential of sharing through social media. Every social media outlet is at least a little different from the others; some emphasize images over text, while others are text-friendly and image-resistant. Using a dedicated URL gives you something to share — and a perfect landing point for readers — no matter how an individual social media platform works.

To make sharing even easier, consider adding “share this” buttons to the bottom of your emails. Start with the most prominent social media giants — Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr — then add as many slightly-less-ubiquitous outlets as you can fit, such as Google+ and Pinterest. When social media is just a click away, your customers will be even more likely to share!

Finally, your email should contain a “Join My List” button so that new users who find you on social media can quickly and easily sign on. In this way, readers will ensure they stay current with your business and you get more subscribers.

Solutions for Growth is an email marketing agency that excels in social media connection. If you “like” being shared, click here to see what we can do for you!

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