Show and Tell: The benefits of including video in your email marketing

Show and Tell: The benefits of including video in your email marketing


The internet loves video! From six-second Vine clips on Twitter to YouTube videos posted across every social media platform, video is fast becoming the best way to catch and hold someone’s attention online. And you can make it work it for your company by including videos in your emails! 

Here are some advantages of including video in your email marketing:

1. Engagement

We’ve all seen it happen on social media. Someone posts a video of a kitten dancing with a baby. Next thing you know, your whole feed is filled to the brim with shares and reposts of the video. Nothing catches on quite like a catchy video. When people are engaged by the content of a video, they’re only too happy to share with their friends and network contacts. The inclusion of video in your emails offers a great opportunity for your subscribers to spread the word about your company and its wisdom.

An additional advantage is the opportunity to share yourself, personally, with your audience. If you host your own video, your subscribers will see you as more than a company or a signature at the end of an email; you’ll have a face and a voice to match the personality they’ve already come to know so well from your email marketing. This connection promotes even closer identification with your business and makes your subscribers feel a stronger engagement.

2. Entertainment

Don’t overlook the simple value of effective infotainment. By informing and entertaining your customers at the same time, you present yourself as an expert in your field. Your subscribers want to be informed and inspired, but deep down we all want to have fun. Giving your customers a video that’s fun and on-message is a great way to make sure your message sticks with them long after they’ve closed their browsers.

3. Search Engine Boost

Search engine optimization is such a complicated web of formulas and technology, it’s no wonder most companies hire their own in-house experts. But there are a few simple techniques that yield effective results. When you post your email to your website, it boosts your SEO profile. That’s a big win for you and your company!

Adding video to your website further increases your favorable SEO results. So including video in your emails will draw new viewers to your website and give them something to feast their eyes on.

Solutions for Growth is an email marketing agency that has mastered the art of using video. Contact us now to find out how we can make video work for you!

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