Social Studies: How to promote your email marketing on social media

Social Studies: How to promote your email marketing on social media


Social media is your friend. Sure, it can be a fickle friend; sometimes it loves you, other times it ignores you, and it’s always a little slow to actually buy anything. But when used properly, social media can boost your email marketing in valuable ways.

Here are some tips for promoting your email marketing on social media:

1. Make It Easy to Share

Your readers are more likely to share your expertise with their social networks if you make it easy for them. Your newsletters should always include a dedicated URL that makes sharing them a matter of a simple “click.”

Even easier, add “share this” buttons at the bottoms of your emails. The more social media platforms you offer, the more you improve the chances of hitting the preferred social network of an eager reader who can’t wait to spread your word to their friends and connections.

2. Keep It Real

Building relationships is a key element of social media. Much as email forges an intimate connection between your company and customers, social networks will respond most strongly to a real and personal perspective on your business.

Don’t be afraid to write from the heart and share your actual experiences. It will make your message resonate more deeply with your subscribers and their social networks alike, who will appreciate your humanity as well as your expertise.

3. Find the Funny

You may have heard about the “80/20 Rule” when it comes to social media: 80% of your posts should be fun and fascinating. Fill your emails with tidbits that will engage or tickle users enough to share them while providing useful information and sharing tips or advice.

The other 20% is the “sell,” where you talk about the product or service you want the customer to buy: a sale item, new inventory, etc. The 80% builds your credibility as an expert and develops a relationship so your clients are receptive to your “sell” message. The better the content you put into your 80%, the stronger your sell!

The best way to maximize your email marketing on social media is to contact Solutions for Growth and take advantage of our full-service email marketing program. Click here and we’ll make your emails social media-savvy with ease!

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