Stay In Touch: Using email marketing to connect with your network

Stay In Touch: Using email marketing to connect with your network


The attention span of the internet is fickle, to say the least. One day’s viral explosion can turn into next week’s forgotten fad. Remember “Chocolate Rain”? Don’t feel bad, it also took us a moment to dig that one out of the memory banks.

When it comes to the internet, “out of sight, out of mind” is more than a saying — it’s a way of life. With so much information bombarding users from all directions, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle behind the Next Big Thing Everybody Absolutely Loves for the Next Two Minutes.

Staying in touch is the best way to stay in the minds of your customers. It’s important to remind customers about your business or they will forget about you.

Are your emails a regular and reliable visitor to customer inboxes? Or are they a rare and surprising treat that makes the recipient wonder who sent this and whether they signed up for it?

It’s not just you, it’s everyone. McDonald’s may be the most successful fast food business in human history, known far and wide by name. So why do you see their ads everywhere on a regular basis? Because if McDonald’s didn’t keep their brand fresh in our minds, Burger King would eat their lunch! (Pun intended.)

Regular updates to your email subscribers will keep your company fresh in their heads. This doesn’t have to mean offering a constant barrage of discounts and sales events. Sometimes it’s enough just to remind your customers that you’re still here, so they have you in mind the next time they need your services.

Consistent and memorable email marketing is the key to prevailing against the constantly shifting winds of business. Solutions for Growth’s full-service email marketing program will keep track of the frequency of your emails and make sure you’re never far from your customers’ thoughts. Click here to get started! 

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