September 2013 – The Essential Parts of Great Email Newsletter Campaigns

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The Essential Parts of Great Email Newsletter Campaigns

Email newsletters are a simple and extremely cost-effective way to share information with a large customer base. Don’t wait for people to contact you – be

The Essential Parts of Great Email Newsletter Campaigns

proactive and reach out to them first. By sending regular updates and helpful information, you can keep your business at the top of people’s minds. You also open the lines of communication between you and your customers, where you can immediately answer questions and share ideas.


Many business owners agree that email newsletters are a great idea, but the thought of producing one every


month can be a bit overwhelming. If you’re struggling with writing a newsletter, Solutions for Growth can help you produce excellent content.


Elements of a Great Newsletter

What exactly goes into putting together a newsletter? Besides simply writing the content, there are many steps to creating a professional newsletter that your customers will want to read and share with others.

  • A custom template – Make your business stand out from the competition by creating a custom template. Include your brand logo, colors, and link to your website and social media to make your newsletter an integral part of your marketing.
  • Data entry – Use your contacts’ information to personalize your newsletter.
  • Editorial calendar – Make sure yourThe Essential Parts of Great Email Newsletter Campaignsnewsletters have direction. Have themes and new monthly promotions to keep customers coming back to see what’s new.
  • Copywriting – No matter how brilliant your content is, no one will take you seriously if your writing is riddled with errors. Double- and -triple check your work to make sure you’re presenting a professional piece of work to your readers.
  • Deployment – Don’t send out your newsletters on a whim. Set a specific date to maximize your open and click rates.
  • Reporting – Make your newsletter work for you by tracking who opened, clicked through, subscribed and shared. This will help you understand your customers and define your strategy for even better, more targeted marketing in the future.
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Want to learn more?
Visit this page for more information and
many samples of newsletters.
Not All Newsletters Are Created Equal
With all that’s involved in creating a newsletter, it can beExample of bad newslettertricky to write one well. It’s very easy to write one poorly and end up wasting your time and money.On the right is an example of a poorly written and laid out email newsletter.

Contact us today to get started with the Email Marketing Program – the effective way to stay top-of-mind of your customers and prospects!


Email Newsletter Portfolio
We recently added newsletters from many different types of companies.  Take a look!
There are many best practices and rules to be aware of when creating your email newsletter – make sure your newsletter is an effective one – contact me today to get started with the Email Marketing Program.