The Perfect Trifecta: Three effective ways to use email marketing

Email marketing has become a dense, complex web of information and techniques. But don’t despair: Solutions for Growth is happy to offer its clients the most up-to-date expertise you’ll find anywhere online.

Here are three quick and easy tips to improve your email marketing program:

1. Expertise Is the Key

When you’re writing a newsletter to customers, try to present yourself as an expert in your field. Not in a bragging, know-it-all way, of course; there’s a good reason nobody picks Brainy as their favorite Smurf.

Real expertise is always valued at a high premium. When a pipe bursts, you call an expert to fix it, not a hobbyist who might have some ideas he could try out. Effectively demonstrate to your customers that you’re an expert in your field and you’ll stand apart from your competition.

2. Promotions Drive Sales

Special promotions can drive up sales and increase email exposure. Consider a special offer, such as a discount on a service or merchandise, exclusively for email subscribers. This will set them apart from other customers

Add a timely hook to provide context and background to your discount. Instead of a simple two-for-one deal, how about a “Couple’s Special” for Valentine’s Day?

Another idea is a “thank you” promotion, to let the customer how much know s/he is appreciated. Who doesn’t love to be shown gratitude for their patronage? Offering a discount or special service to customers “just because” is a great way to show them how much they mean to you — and ensure their continued loyalty.

3. Survey Says…

Filling out online surveys is easy and surprisingly addictive. It’s also a great way to get to know your customers. Find out what they want from you and pinpoint the ways they think about your business — for instance, do they consider you an expert?

An email survey is a great way to create a dialogue between customer and business. You’ll get to know one another while instilling trust and forging a relationship. And your customers will feel like their opinions matter to you, which is always a plus.

Speaking of expertise, Solutions for Growth offers a full-service email marketing program that covers all of the above and more! Click here to find out what we can do for you.