The Template of Zoom: Choosing the right email template for your business and customers

The Template of Zoom: Choosing the right email template for your business and customers


Once upon a time, email was just tiny black letters on a plain, white background. Soon, technology evolved to make it possible to present a nearly infinite number of designs for email templates — and we all lived happily ever after!

The astounding variety of choices can be a bit daunting. Here are some tips to help you decide which template is right for your email marketing:

1. One column or two?

How you convey your message to subscribers can be just as important as what you convey. Something as simple as whether your email has one column or two can be crucial to ensuring your emails move readers to act effectively.

It’s important to consider the different uses for each. The part of your email that appears in the preview window — for most browsers, the top two or three inches — is the most crucial part for hooking readers. This means you can get twice as much content across with two columns, but that might also cramp your text and even make it difficult to read (depending on your font size and the size of the email browser).

Single-column text can be easier on the eyes and thus do a better job of grabbing your reader. However, once they click through to read the whole email, a long article in single-column format can be a daunting prospect. Breaking up long text into two columns makes it less formidable for the naked eye.

Ultimately, this decision is in the eye of the beholder. Make sure you’ve researched the strengths and weaknesses of both options before you make your choice. If you need help, Solutions for Growth is always ready to consult on this and all other formatting issues.

2. Match your website

Imagine if Amazon, with its distinctive logo, simple black font, and abundant white space, sent out emails with cluttered text in multiple fonts, a bright-red background that hurts the eyes, and a glittering logo that flashes like a disco ball. Would you really think this was an email from Amazon, or would you fear you were getting spammed and close it right away?

Matching your email marketing to your website is crucial for branding consistency. As customers become familiar with the look and function of your website, they will recognize those trademark elements in your emails. The dependability of your website will reassure them that they can count on your email marketing, and vice versa.

The best way to bring about a happy ending is to use Solutions for Growth’s full-service email marketing program. Contact us now to help design the perfect email template for your business and customers!

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