The Wild Card: How to make distinctive emails that stand out

The Wild Card: How to make distinctive emails that stand out


The skyrocketing popularity of email marketing has one downside: everybody’s doing it! Although this is a testament to its tried-and-true effectiveness, it also means your email marketing program has to compete against everyone else’s.

It can seem difficult to distinguish your emails from so many others that your customers receive. Luckily, we have some tips to help your emails stand out from the pack:

1. Design

The human eye is drawn toward a clean, crisp layout and away from clutter. That’s why the design of your email is just as important as its content. If your subscribers find the look of your email to be an eyesore, they certainly won’t stick around long enough to actually read it.

Don’t just slap huge blocks of texts and a couple of sloppy GIFs into an email browser.  Take the time to work on a layout that is clean and eye-catching, a mixture of words and images that invites the eye to peruse it from top to bottom. The more you can appeal to your customers visually, the more receptive they’ll be to your all-important message. Which brings us to…

 2. Good writing

You don’t have to write like F. Scott Fitzgerald. (Actually, he’s a little too wordy for email marketing… better a concise writer like Hemingway.) However, if your email is filled with misspelled words, glaring errors in grammar, poor punctuation, run-on sentences, and incomplete sentences, you’re going to lose subscribers.

One doesn’t need an English degree to be annoyed by bad writing. Conversely, it doesn’t take a Ph.D in literature (or marketing, for that matter) to write well. Run a spellcheck over your email before you send it out, to catch the most obvious errors. But proofreading is crucial; if you’ve typed the wrong word, it won’t matter if you spelled it correctly.

The best option, of course, is to hire a writer to compose your emails, or at least look over your work. Don’t be satisfied with a quick once-over; double- and triple-checking will help you catch embarrassing errors that make you look unprofessional or incompetent.

You need to communicate your message with brevity and clarity. You also need to make sure you don’t ruin the value of your message by communicating it poorly.

3. Mobile friendly

Nowadays, most of us are on the go all the time. What used to be called “downtime” is now known as “check your mobile device time.” If your subscribers first see your email while waiting in line or sitting on a bus or train, or even in the couple of minutes going down the elevator, it had better make a good impression.

A poorly formatted email that doesn’t read well on a mobile device is going to be quickly forgotten or sent to the trash before you even have a chance to get your beautifully designed, cleverly composed message across. For this reason, your emails should be optimized to be read on every mobile device.

With new devices hitting the market every other second, this can be a daunting task — but if you can keep from losing subscribers who grow frustrated that they can only read your emails from a desktop computer, it will be worth it!

Solutions for Growth’s full-service email marketing program will help your emails break out of the pack. Contact us now to find out how to make your emails stand front-and-center in the minds of your customers.

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