Should I use my own content for a Newsletter?

Short answer, if you can – yes.

78% of Internet users conduct product research online. Most of this starts out as information gathering. Few people know exactly what product or service they are looking for and even fewer have a specific brand or company in mind.

People use search engines because they have a problem they need to solve or a question they want answered, and the job of these channels is to connect their users with information – we call that information => Content

Customers look to the Internet for information at all stages of the buying process. Using your own proprietary content to power your marketing helps customers find you and delivers the important information they are looking for, and you want them to have.

Content creation and content distribution are both important aspects of your marketing strategy. Engaging informative content is easily found in search engines and shared across social media, and it helps establish your company as a go-to resource and leader.

Ok, but how does a busy business owner who is not a writer get content, make content, curate content and figure the “content marketing” thing out?

Well, may I suggest that you set up a call with me to begin the process of figuring out how to integrate content marketing into your website and outbound communications?