Why Should I Use an Email Service Provider?

From the outside looking in, email seems to be a straightforward way to connect with your prospective customers. Buy a list of “names” from an online broker, write some copy, add a picture, a special discount offer, a logo and a website address and hit send from whatever email program you use.

And… nothing happens at first. Then you get some email bounced notices, spam reports and you might get your email account suspended. A few things like that – no biggie, right (uh, no it is a big deal!)?  But most importantly you don’t see any orders or interest. You don’t know it, but you might have driven some people away – and you are wrong in thinking that its not a big deal – you were a Spammer!

There is no reason to have any of that aggravation.

Solutions for Growth is a “PLATINUM, Master Certified Solution Provider” of Constant Contact, a hard-to-achieve designation that is the result of successfully passing a series of exams on email marketing and social media, managing a substantial client portfolio and the successful implementation of campaigns. We’re also an “Authorized Local Expert,” a superior designation that indicates that Solutions for Growth is among an elite group of Solution Providers. These designations are your assurance of quality and service with the goal of creating effective email marketing campaigns!

Click here to set up a call to discuss how we can improve your emailing efforts