Website Functionality:

Last week we shared some of our thoughts regarding website tools such as vCita, which allow us to add functionality to a website, such as:

  1. Display an interactive online event calendar
  2. Accept credit card payments online
  3. Share contacts, manage a team calendar
  4. Promote a business with a mobile-friendly page
  5. Manage clients with an online CRM
  6. Create forms for clients to fill in on your website
  7. Reduce no-shows and minimize the back-and-forth communication of scheduling, billing and reminders

One of the things that we like about these products is that they allow us to integrate many available functions incrementally. The wide variety of pricing and functionality options allow a business, from a lone entrepreneur to a full size global enterprise, to integrate state of the art functionality into their website. Setting up and maintaining these systems up is one of the things we specialize at – so don’t worry, you are in good hands!

Bottom Line – we like vCita because it allows us to supercharge the way a website performs and increases its ability to generate leads and revenue.

Click here to set up a call with me to discuss how we can add important functionality to your website.