Why is email marketing so effective?

Why is email marketing so effective?


According to the Direct Marketing Association, for every dollar that marketers spend on email, their return on investment is $40. It’s difficult to imagine a higher rate of return on a single, solitary dollar.

A recent  Forbes article cited a study by the analytics firm Custora that shows the rate of customer acquisition via email marketinghas quadrupled in the last four years.” The same study concluded that customers who connect to a business through email are 11% more likely to shop and spend at that business than the average customer.

That makes email marketing far more effective than social networking brands like Facebook or Twitter, whose users are 23% less valuable than average. In other words, people might like it, might even retweet it, but they probably won’t buy it.

Why is email marketing so effective? The simple answer: it’s permission-based. People who voluntarily sign up for email lists want to receive those emails. You aren’t shoving intrusive ads down their throats while they’re waiting to watch a video of twerking cats. You’re giving them valuable information they requested about services and offers they actively want to know about.

While most people have grown immune to spam, email marketing that offers actual engagement can deepen the relationship between a business and its customers. A distinctive writing style effectively communicates your company’s voice and intentions to a potential customer in ways that even sharp, attractive advertising simply cannot. Email marketing is your chance to speak directly to the clientele, one on one, with an intimacy that no other form of marketing can touch.

To top it off, email marketing is 20% more effective than direct mailing, yet it costs only a fraction as much. There are no materials, no production, and no postage expense. It’s very nearly pure profit! To learn more about how Solutions for Growth can make your full service email marketing work for you,  click here.

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