Worth a Thousand Words: How adding images to emails will keep your customers interested

Worth a Thousand Words: How adding images to emails will keep your customers interested


We’ve all heard the phrase “a picture’s worth a thousand words.” When you’re communicating your expertise in business via email, words matter — but pictures can help!

Here are some tips to make your emails more appealing to the eye:

1. All text and no pictures make Jack a dull email

To put it simply, text-only messages are boring. It can be hard to read and even a strain on the eyes. Many of us would be more inclined to read fine print or a complicated legal document if it weren’t so fine and had some eye-catching images. Who could resist a document about new tax laws with pictures of cute puppies all over it?

Consider dressing up your email with well-chosen images that are appealing to the eye and complement your text. Readers looking to save money will be drawn to a picture of brightly colored dollar signs — and if the accompanying text shows them how to effectively save money, they’ll be fully receptive to your message. Think of your images as a visual companion to your text.

2. Use your own images

With so many of us carrying smartphones around, we have a multimedia film studio right in our pockets! Shoot your own pictures and videos to share in your emails. This will give them a personal touch that makes readers connect on an intimate level. When subscribers see home videos and snapshots, it helps reinforce that you’re an actual person, not some faceless marketing facade.

Besides, everyone loves to look behind the scenes. Pull back the curtain and give your customers a tantalizing glimpse of the real people who make your company so effective. Photos and videos of staff, customers, and your production process will engage your readers intimately — and irresistibly!

3. Give credit where it’s due

When using images, it’s important to credit your sources. Make sure the photographers and videographers are noted where applicable. If your images are in the public domain, make sure to obey the rules and guidelines of Creative Commons usage. Nothing robs the appeal of strong imagery like a messy legal quandary!

Better yet, Solutions for Growth offers a full-service email marketing program that’s better than 100,000 words! Click here to see what we can offer.

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