You Are What You Email: Getting your voice into email marketing

You Are What You Email: Getting your voice into email marketing


Who are you? It may seem like a silly question to ask of a company, but personality counts, even in business. One unique facet of email marketing is its ability to express the voice and personality of a company.

Aren’t you more likely to appreciate a friendly, likeable salesperson over someone who’s pushy, aggressive, and talks over you? Without a face-to-face interaction, your customers rely on the tone of your emails to communicate who you are and how they’ll react to you.

Whether you realize it or not, the tone of your emails expresses all of this to your customers. Craft a voice and style that matches your email marketing to the type of company you want your customers to associate with you.

Are you fun and friendly, using a folksy, light-hearted tone that many customers find appealing to read?

Or are you serious and professional, a rock of knowledge that customers can securely cling to in their moments of need?

Is your company on top of current trends, dropping lots of up-to-the-minute pop culture references that younger readers will glom on to?

Or is yours a more mature, timeless company that skews toward older professionals with  important, life-changing matters on their minds?

Email marketing is your chance to convey that voice, whatever you choose. Compose your emails in a style that suits your business and appeals to your customers. You might want a car salesman to share a joke or two, but a stock analyst probably needs to address money matters with a bit more gravity.

Solutions for Growth is an email marketing agency that will help you find the right voice and express it to your customers. Click here to make your email marketing sound just right!

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