Attract and Connect with Local Customers Ready to Buy from You with Google’s Local Service Ads

Get more calls and leads from prospects who are searching for businesses like yours.

Google Local Service Ads for Small Businesses

Well-managed Local Services Ads campaigns are a powerful tool for small businesses to reach more potential customers during their peak moment of interest. Local Services Ads enable service businesses to present their offer and drive immediate action from prospects in their target area, increasing their chances of generating high value leads and sales directly from ad clicks.

google local services ads

Google Local Service Ads are a pay-per-lead type of ad campaign that complement Google Search, Display, Retargeting, and other pay-per-click campaigns for a more holistic and comprehensive strategy to improve sales growth.

FACTS: Nearly half of searches on Google are from users looking for local results ( and 78% of local searches from mobile users led to an offline purchase (comScore).

Solutions for Growth’s digital adverting team has the skills, expertise, and experience to help you get more new customers from your Google Local Service Ads campaigns.

How Google Local Service Ads Work

google local service adsA Local Services ad campaign runs separately from Google Ads search, display, and remarketing campaigns in its separate account. By using Google Ads and Local Ads, your business could dominate a significant part of the search results page.

Unlike Google Search ads, for which you pay per click (PPC), Local Services ads use a pay per lead model. You pay for leads acquired through the ads for phone calls, messages, and even booked appointments.

Why Google Local Service Ads are Effective for Growing Sales

Your Local Services Ads harness the power of your customer reviews and can also display a Google Guarantee Badge to help potential customers feel more confident about choosing your brand over competitors.

Your prospective customers can quickly call, book an appointment, or message your business in just a few clicks right from the ad. This makes it fast and easy for them to become a lead!

We'll Guide You Through Account Setup

To obtain the Google Guarantee Badge your business completes the qualification process, which includes uploading business license and insurance documents and initiating employee background checks. Submitting the necessary documents and authorization for background checks is done in your Local Services account.

google guaranteed badge local services adsOnce qualified, the Google Guarantee Badge on your ads will signal to potential customers that your business is backed by Google. In addition to helping customers feel comfortable trusting your business and setting you apart from competitors, the Google Guarantee Badge offers protections for customers in the unlikely event that they are unsatisfied with the quality of work they received. The Google Guarantee Badge supports lead generation marketing by helping customers quickly identify your business as a leading local service provider.

We'll Save You Time and Improve Results

Once your Google Local Services Ads campaign is launched, our experienced PPC ads team will ensure your campaign stays optimized and efficient, so you can focus on growing your business

Getting Started with Google Local Service Ads is Simple

Just schedule a call with our team to tell us more about your marketing goals and challenges. We'll present you with the best fitting options for your needs and budget, including estimated ad spend costs and the number of new leads your business is likely to receive from a Local Services Ads campaign.

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60+ Reviews

Generate a steady stream of qualified leads in your local area with less effort and a better ROI with our Google Local Service Ads management services.

What our clients are saying:


Our experience with Solutions for Growth has been exceptional. Their team is helpful, responsive, and proactive. Their innovative strategies and deep understanding of our target audience has led to a significant increase in sales. We've seen a substantial growth in our customer base as a result of the marketing programs that Solutions for Growth manages for us."

- Sean Corcoran, Syracuse Drains


Syracuse Drains, a Syracuse area drain and sewer service company, increased annual revenue and grew their local customer base with an integrated marketing plan from Solutions for Growth, which included Google Local Service Ads, online reviews management, PPC advertising, social media marketing, SEO, direct mail, and email marketing.

local services ads by google

Award Winning Service And Certifications

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“In just a few short months, Solutions for Growth has developed and implemented a marketing plan that fit our budget and is already producing tangible results. I could not be happier that Solutions for Growth is my marketing partner.”

Larry Backes, Love Wink Products/Ruff Ramp

Are you not missing out on capturing leads and growing your local service business because…

You are not running Google Local Service Ads?

You are not sure where to start with setting up an LSA campaign?

You don't have enough time to effectively manage and optimize a Local Ads campaign?

Complete the form, call 888-840-2595 x701, or click below to schedule a call.

Harness the revenue-boosting power of Google Local Service Ads with Solutions for Growth.