How to Grow Your Email List

how to grow your email list


When you invest effort into growing your email marketing list, you are laying the foundation of a more profitable future for your business with a stronger base of new and returning customers. Not only does email marketing provide the best ROI of all traditional and digital marketing channels, growing your list opens the door to direct communication with your target audience. 

Better segmentation and personalization features available in top email marketing systems, such as Klaviyo and Constant Contact, make it easy to deliver highly targeted messaging that motivates your subscribers to take action. By taking advantage of smart automation tools built into these leading email marketing platforms, your small business can accomplish even more in less time. But getting a spot in your audience’s inboxes starts with your email list growth strategy. 

Email Marketing Agency New York & Connecticut

Solutions for Growth has been helping small business owners in the Westchester, New York and Stamford, Connecticut area improve their email marketing for more than 10 years! 

Contact us for a free consultation about how you can get more out of your email program with our expert email marketing management solutions.

Schedule a call today.

Your Website is Key

How to Grow Your Email List with Pop-Up Forms

A well placed, well designed pop-up form is still a highly effective way to capture more subscribers, especially when your offer is compelling and valuable for your target audience.

Test different timing and segmentation triggers, such as showing a different message to new and returning website visitors, or timing the pop-up to display after the user has spent a certain amount of time on the website or is moving to exit the page. 


Best Practices for Email List Growth with Pop-Up Forms:

  1. Limit the form fields to only what is absolutely necessary, such as just asking for the user’s email address.
  2. Test different offers, graphics, and headlines to find the best combination for your prospective customers.
  3. Keep the headline and copy straightforward and short.
  4. Make the offer hard to resist and easy to redeem.
  5. Follow up immediately with an automated welcome email.
  6. Nurture new subscribers with a short automated drip campaign reinforcing your brand values, unique selling proposition, and benefits for them as potential customers.

Need help to make your pop-up form work better?
email pop-up forms

Contact us and get support from our team of expert website developers and email marketers.

Good Design Attracts More Customers

You might have the best services, the best team, the most affordable pricing, but if your website is hard to browse, your potential customers will turn away as fast as possible and even miss your email sign-up form. Small business websites that look like unappealing messes with outdated design elements, are slow to load, don’t use mobile-friendly responsive design, or don’t clearly communicate brand selling points are just some of the biggest ways to repel customers and hold back revenue growth. 

An attractive, well functioning website that offers an enjoyable user experience and thoughtfully guides visitors toward becoming customers is the cornerstone of a great small business marketing strategy. Get more leads, prospects, and loyal customers with great website design that works hand in hand with your email marketing strategy.

Email list Growth Ideas: Promotions and Lead Magnets

Which hooks work the best? 

grow your email list

Get new ideas for your growth strategy and see more on how to put an irresistible offer in place to grow your email list.


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You are Probably Underutilizing Your Social Media Accounts

how to grow your email list with social media

Building a thriving community on your social media pages is essential to connecting with your target market outside of moments when they are actively seeking your brand. 

By posting relevant and useful content to your Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram feeds, you’ll keep your brand name more present in the minds of your audience and increase awareness of your offerings. If you are not using your social media posts and ads to drive users to see your email sign up form, you are missing out on a critical piece of your inbound marketing strategy.


How to Grow Your Email List with Social Media

  1. Be Consistent: Regularly promote your email newsletter in your organic posts and the benefits subscribers will get by joining your list. Don’t forget to include a link to sign up in your post!
  2. Maximize Your Bio: Include a link in your bio where users can directly click through to sign up for your email list. Take your list sign up form a step further with a branded landing page that encourages users to browse your website after signing up.
  3. Test Exclusive Offers: Give your social media followers an extra incentive to sign up the moment they see your invitation with an offer they won’t find anywhere else.
  4. Try a Contest or Giveaway: The allure of being the contest winner and getting a special free gift or service is a compelling motivator for all types of audiences. Whether your target market is B2B, B2C, or both, adding an element of gamification to your email sign-up offer is a fun way to capture more subscribers.
  5. Run an Ad Campaign: Using a social media ads campaign optimized for top-of-funnel engagement or lead generation fits is a great way to grow your email list fast. Set your effort up for success with well crafted audience targeting settings and test multiple types of ads. Be sure to also follow the same best practices of communicating the value and benefits of your brand and presenting an attractive offer in exchange for signing up.
  6. Partner with Other Brands: Cross-promoting your brand in collaboration with other brands your target customer is likely to follow increases brand awareness and lends a sense of trustworthiness from the partner brand to yours. It’s a win-win for both brands and can be especially effective for niche audiences that are difficult to identify with other marketing campaigns.


Tie in Your Other Marketing Channels to Boost Email List Growth

When considering other options on how to grow your email subscriber list, don’t forget about the power of integrated marketing. For more on how to build an integrated marketing strategy that supercharges your business growth, check out webinar series on integrated marketing for small businesses

Here’s a quick overview about what integrated marketing means for your business:

Integrated marketing enables small businesses to amplify the effects of their marketing efforts and maximize the return on their marketing investment. 

how to grow your email subscriber listBy cohesively combining the best marketing tools, such as email marketing, a great website, social media marketing, PPC, and other channels, brands create a customer journey that more effectively moves prospects from unaware to loyal customers. 

A well-built integrated marketing plan strengthens brands identity, improves competitive positioning, and improves overall ROI.


Pay-Per Click Ads

  • Use your email list sign-up offer or lead magnet as part of your ad content, such as in ad extensions or additional headlines, for your pay-per-click ads (PPC) on Google Ads, Microsoft Bing Ads, and display ads.
  • Make sure the landing page linked to your PPC ads includes a way for users to sign up on your email list and why they should do so. 


Webinars and Online Events

  • Host a webinar and or a similar live online event. Entice more new subscribers by teasing that you’ll be giving away free content or a promotional offer during the live session.


In-Person Events

  • Collect email addresses at in-person events, trade shows, or in store if your business has  a physical location. 
  • Promote a giveaway to drive even more attention to your email sign up list and be sure to import new addresses promptly into your email marketing system to avoid users losing awareness of your brand. 


Website Lead Forms and Checkout Pages

  • Include an email list sign-up option that is enabled by default everywhere you collect email addresses on your website, including lead forms, checkout pages, and account or registration pages.

Email Marketing for Small Businesses

Want more great ideas to grow your email marketing list? Contact us to get a customized email list growth plan crafted for your email marketing goals.  

Schedule a call today.

5 Steps to Email Marketing Success

Check out this email marketing video playlist for a step-by-step guide to long term business growth and better customer retention with a winning email marketing strategy.